Lab 2A

Generate a valid ARP Request to your VM (using the terminal, not sockets). Wireshark confirms it is not malformed/displays no errors, and your request produces a reply.

Ensure that you see both your frame and your VM's frame on Wireshark.

Ensure that you see the ARP Reply triggered by your ARP request in Wireshark.


Lab 2B

Write a TCP server that receives a string, reverses order of the words, and sends it back to the client.

Write a TCP client to connect to print the response (build in both IPv4 and IPv6).

Lab 2C

Write a simple socket program that will send back your machine's Host name and IP Address.

(Don't forget to use your resources (Pydocs, Man pages). You can also get formatting help from the python interpreter by using help(socket.gethostname) and help(socket.gethostbyname) after importing the socket library.)

Lab 2D

Write a simple socket program that will ask a user to enter a Domain and pull the IP address from a remote website. Then use gethostbyaddr() to pull name information.

Lab 2E

Write a UDP sender that takes a dictionary, turns it into a JSON string, and sends it to a listener.

Write the UDP receiver to receive the JSON string and turn it back into a dictionary.

Validate by printing the type of your dictionary variable (Build in IPv4 and IPv6).

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