Lab 4A
Create a simple TCP chat server that connects to multiple clients using IPv4 and either Select() or Threading. Then echo back data to all clients using broadcasts.
Lab 4B
Create an IPv6 UDP chat server using multicast to transmit to all clients.
Message strings should follow the following format:
Username: TextGoes Here
The receiver a should display recieved chats in the following format:
[(IPv6Addr)]: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs
Using the reference set the following socket options, with a level of socket.IPPROTO_IPV6:
•Set the multicast hops to 5
•Set the socket's multicast group (this is for the OS, it is _NOT_ IPv6 related)
•The group is a value obtained by combining the following:
◦Packing the multicast IPv6 addr using socket.inet_pton()
◦Packing a 32 bit unsigned integer with the value 0, using struct.pack()
socket timeouts
select, threading, concurrency