VMWare Setup with Fedora 64

At the home screen in VMWare Workstation 12 Begin by clicking the first box: "Create a New Virtual Machine"

Select Typical and click Next.

Select Installer disc image file (iso), click Browse and navigate to your Fedora Workstation .iso file.

Then click Next.

Name the Virtual Machine and click Next.

Set Maximum disk size (GB) to at least 20GB and click Next.

Click Customize Hardware...

Set Memory to at least 4 GB and Processors to at least 2.

Then click Add...

Select Network Adapter and click Next.

Select Custom: Specific virtual network and VMnet4 from the drop-down menu.

Then click Finish.

At the Hardware menu click Advanced...

Then click Generate to generate a MAC Address for the Virtual Machine.

Then click OK, Close the Hardware menu and continue the installation normally.

After installation, create a Snapshot, and create Clones, as needed.

Remember to generate a new MAC Address for each additional VM.

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