Lab 3A

Create a TCP Echo Server that mimmicks and sends back all of the data received from the client.

You will be using struct.pack() to simulate a binary protocol.

Lab 3B.1

Pack the values (1, 2, -3, -4) as the following data types (unsigned short, unsigned int, signed short, signed int)

1 as an unsigned short

2 as an unsigned int

-3 as a signed short

-4 as a signed int

Write a TCP client that packs those values, sends the packed string to a server.

Write a TCP server that receives the string, unpacks it using little endian and prints it, then unpacks it again using big endian and prints it.

Lab 3B.2

Create a TCP client. Pack the following values using network byte order: 12345, 56789, &, *, 0x7d0, 0b11111010000. Send the packed string to the TCP echo server. Have the server unpack the values and send them back to the client. Also try encode()/decode() modules and compare different types of encoding.

Q1) Which unpacked are the same?

Q2) Why are they the same? Does it matter what Endianess your system is using?

Q3) Assume I repeat this lab with a client on a little-endian architecture, and the server on a big-endian architecture. How will the files change? Why?

Q4) How can I be sure that the data I send is properly received on any endian machine?

Lab 3C

Write a UDP receiver that receives a string, and orders the words from longest to shortest in a new string.

That new string should be sent to the remote port+1.

(i.e. the source port of message from the SENDER's POV)

Write a UDP sender that sends the initial string, and receives the response from the receiver above (you can use multiple receivers or combine them).

Hint: The second step is intentionally ambiguous on how to proceed. There are multiple solutions.

host to network byte order

buffer sizes

socket timeout

Router Solicitation, Neighbor Solicitation, and Redirect message

results matching ""

    No results matching ""